
中国四川省成都市 Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China. 地址翻译——翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号。而英文地址翻译原则是先说小的后说大的。
I’m from Changsha city,I’d like to tell you what the climate is like in Changsha.
It’s very warm in spring in my hometown.Trees get green very soon and flowers blosom.It’s just too hot in summer.I don’t like summer very much.But I like to swim in the river in summer.It’s cool in autumn,my dad likes autumn in Changsha.Sometimes it’s snowy in winter here,but not too often.
There are four seasons in ChengDu .It is warm in spring .It is not too hot in summer in ChengDu ,But there is a lot of sunshine (阳光)
.It often rains . Autumn is often short ,It is cool and sunny .In winter ,it is not too cold .It is foggy
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