
Hangzhou has a clear distiction of four seasons. The weather in spring is mild but rainy. The summer is a bit too hot. Its autumn is dry and its winter tends to be chilly.
“Impression .West Lake”
Strong history and culture to the West Lake and the beautiful natural scenery as a source of creativity, in-depth digging Hangzhou, an ancient folk tales, myths, cultural and historical representation of the elements of the West Lake to reproduce the same time, re-use of high-tech way, "West Lake Rain", from a side of West Lake and West Lake in the rain to reflect the natural charm of the rain. The entire landscape Virtual performances, through dynamic interpretation, realistic reproduction of the Hangzhou City connotation and condensed into a natural landscape to a high standard of art in the world, introduced to the world
田径 Athletics
铁人三项 Triathlon
马术 Equestrian
现代五项 Modern Pentathlon
公路自行车 Cycling Road
Weightlift 举重 Table tennis 乒乓球
Gymnastic 体操 Parallel bars 双杠
Horizontal bar 单杠
Balance beam 平衡木
Floor exercises 自由体操
Pommel horse 鞍马
Rings 吊环 Vault 跳马
Uneven bars 高低杠
Babminton 羽毛球 Cycling 自行车
Cycling raod race 公路自行车赛 Wrestling 摔跤 Equestrain 马术
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