Zhejiang Province has the most beautiful landscape, a rich cultural heritage, an innovative dynamic economy, especially in terms of the digital economy. We h***e a loving and warm-hearted society. We h***e a beautiful countryside, we h***e lucid waters and green mountains. We've created a dynamic team of entrepreneurs. We h***e a pragmatic and efficient ***. Above all, we h***e intelligent, hardworking, friendly and beautiful people, so I would like to give our friends from Asia and the whole world our warmest welcome to the city of Hangzhou. I'm certain that you will h***e a fulfilling trip. Thank you so much.
As you know,Zhejiang Province is f***ored by its famous tourist attractions, delicious snacks, rich history and culture.Now,let me introduce these things one by one.And I’m sure that you will fall in love with my lovely hometown. Shaoxing(绍兴) Wenzhou (温州) Ningbo(宁波) Hangzhou(杭州) the West Lake(西湖) “West Pool”(西塘古镇) Lan P***ilion(兰亭) Qiandao Lake(千岛湖) Yandang Mountain(雁荡山) Ssangyong-dong (双龙洞) bean curd with odour(绍兴臭豆腐) 湖州千张包 crab meat bun(南湖蟹肉包
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