Well, now I will introduce the plan about this trip for Qianlin Park.
First, we will climb the Qianlin mountain and go to the temple. We will maybe look the monkeys on the mountain all the way. It will be very funny. Then we can go to the Qianlin Lake and h***e a ship in the lake. Last, we are going to the ZOO of Qianlin park. The animals in the park are very cute ! such as the bears,the birdsand so on. When you visit the zoo ,please pay attention to the safety. Remember,don't feed the animals.
All in all, we will h***e a good time in this trip!
fast天眼英文全称Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radi Telescpe。
FAST天眼位于贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州平塘县大窝凼的喀斯特洼坑中。 它是我国自主知识产权 ;世界最大单口径、最灵敏的望远镜 ;比德国波恩100米望远镜灵敏度高10倍 ;比美国阿雷西博350米望远镜综合性高10倍 ;它将在未来至少20年领先世界,被誉为“中国天眼”,由我国天文学家南仁东于1994年提出构想,历时22年建成。
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