1) There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing.
2) There are many scenic spots in Chongqing.
Chongqing is a city with many special snacks and people's character is relatively warm, hot, straightforward. The weather in Chongqing is very hot, but the scenery in Chongqing is very beautiful.
Zhazi Cave is located at the foot of Gele mountain in Ciqikou and Wulingguan, suburban area of Chongqing. Zhazi Cave used to been a coalmine founded in 1920 by a businessman named Chen Erchang. Since 1938, it became a clandestine prison for Kuomintang to lock up and persecute revolutionaries.
During the war, lots of heroic, solemn and stirring stories happened in the prison. Those stories were really very touching that they encouraged the patriotic sentiment among the Chinese. In 1943 Kuomintang founded an intelligence agency: Sino-American Co-operation office.
Then the Bai Gongguan, another clandestine prison, became the office building of Sino-American Co-operation office. Revolutionaries were transferred from Bai Gongguan to Zhazi Cave prison. Among those revolutionaries are the likes of the Chinese famous hero Jiang Zujun, who was honored as Jiangjie. She was also sentenced to imprisonment in the Zhazi Cave.
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